ASTM Thermometers 45 C&F to 59 C&F

All of the ASTM thermometers listed in this catalog are produced by manufacturers of outstanding quality. Strict manufacturing procedures and quality controls ensure the fabrication of thermometers which are fully in compliance with the dimensional and accuracy requirements of ASTM Specification E-1.

All thermometers are available with or without a NIST traceable, ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 accredited report of calibration.

ASTM Thermometers with NIST traceable, ISO/IEC 17025 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 accredited report of calibration

ASTM No. Cat No. Application Range Div Length Immersion ASTM specified test points
45C 10045C-C Kinematic viscosity @ 25 °C 23.6 to 26.4 °C 0.05° 305mm total 0, 25, 26 °C
45F 10045F-C Kinematic viscosity @ 77 °F 74.5 to 79.5 °F 0.1° 305mm total 32, 77, 79 °F
46C 10046C-C Kinematic viscosity @ 50 °C 48.6 to 51.4 °C 0.05° 305mm total 0, 50, 51 °C
46F 10046F-C Kinematic viscosity @ 122 °F 119.5 to 124.5 °F 0.1° 305mm total 32, 122, 124 °F
47C 10047C-C Kinematic viscosity @ 60 °C 58.6 to 61.4 °C 0.05° 305mm total 0, 60, 61 °C
47F 10047F-C Kinematic viscosity @ 140 °F 137.5 to 142.5 °F 0.1° 305mm total 32, 140, 142 °F
48C 10048C-C Kinematic viscosity @ 82.2 °C 80.6 to 83.4 °C 0.05° 305mm total 0, 82.2, 83 °C
48F 10048F-C Kinematic viscosity @ 180 °F 177.5 to 182.5 °F 0.1° 305mm total 32, 180, 182 °F
49C 10049C-C Stormer Viscosity 20 to 70 °C 0.2° 305mm 65mm 20, 35, 50, 70 °C
50F 10050F-C Gas Calorimeter inlet 54 to 101 °F 0.1° 468mm total 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 °F
51F 10051F-C Gas Calorimeter outlet 69 to 116 °F 0.1° 468mm total 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115 °F
52C 10052C-C Butad. Boiling point -10 to 5 °C 0.1° 162mm total -10, 0, 5 °C
53C 10053C-C Benzene Freezing Pt -0.6 to 10.4 °C 0.1° 189mm total 0, 5, 10 °C
54C 10054C-C Congealing Point 20 to 100.6 °C 0.2° 310mm total 20, 50, 75, 100 °C
54F 10054F-C Congealing Point 68 to 213 °F 0.5° 310mm total 70, 120, 170, 210 °F
56C 10056C-C Bomb Calorimeter 19 to 35 °C 0.02° 585mm total 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 °C
56F 10056F-C Bomb Calorimeter 66 to 95 °F 0.05° 585mm total 66, 70, 74, 78, 82, 88, 92, 95 °F
57C 10057C-C Flash Tag Closed Low -20 to 50 °C 0.5° 290mm 57mm -20, 0, 25, 50 °C
57F 10057F-C Flash Tag Closed Low -4 to 122 °F 290mm 57mm -3, 32, 77, 122 °F
58C 10058C-C Tank, Refill, Low -34 to 49 °C 0.5° 300mm total -30, 0, 25, 45 °C
58F 10058F-C Tank, Refill, Low -30 to 120 °F 300mm total -20, 32, 80, 120 °F
59C 10059C-C Tank, Refill, Medium -18 to 82 °C 0.5° 300mm total 0, 25, 55, 80 °C
59F 10059F-C Tank, Refill, Medium 0 to 180 °F 300mm total 32, 80, 130, 180 °F

ASTM Thermometers without calibration

ASTM No. Cat No. Application Range Div Length Immersion
45C 10045C Kinematic viscosity @ 25 °C 23.6 to 26.4 °C 0.05° 305mm total
45F 10045F Kinematic viscosity @ 77 °F 74.5 to 79.5 °F 0.1° 305mm total
46C 10046C Kinematic viscosity @ 50 °C 48.6 to 51.4 °C 0.05° 305mm total
46F 10046F Kinematic viscosity @ 122 °F 119.5 to 124.5 °F 0.1° 305mm total
47C 10047C Kinematic viscosity @ 60 °C 58.6 to 61.4 °C 0.05° 305mm total
47F 10047F Kinematic viscosity @ 140 °F 137.5 to 142.5 °F 0.1° 305mm total
48C 10048C Kinematic viscosity @ 82.2 °C 80.6 to 83.4 °C 0.05° 305mm total
48F 10048F Kinematic viscosity @ 180 °F 177.5 to 182.5 °F 0.1° 305mm total
49C 10049C Stormer Viscosity 20 to 70 °C 0.2° 305mm 65mm
50F 10050F Gas Calorimeter inlet 54 to 101 °F 0.1° 468mm total
51F 10051F Gas Calorimeter outlet 69 to 116 °F 0.1° 468mm total
52C 10052C Butad. Boiling point -10 to 5 °C 0.1° 162mm total
53C 10053C Benzene Freezing Pt -0.6 to 10.4 °C 0.1° 189mm total
54C 10054C Congealing Point 20 to 100.6 °C 0.2° 310mm total
54F 10054F Congealing Point 68 to 213 °F 0.5° 310mm total
56C 10056C Bomb Calorimeter 19 to 35 °C 0.02° 585mm total
56F 10056F Bomb Calorimeter 66 to 95 °F 0.05° 585mm total
57C 10057C Flash Tag Closed Low -20 to 50 °C 0.5° 290mm 57mm
57F 10057F Flash Tag Closed Low -4 to 122 °F 290mm 57mm
58C 10058C Tank, Refill, Low -34 to 49 °C 0.5° 300mm total
58F 10058F Tank, Refill, Low -30 to 120 °F 300mm total
59C 10059C Tank, Refill, Medium -18 to 82 °C 0.5° 300mm total
59F 10059F Tank, Refill, Medium 0 to 180 °F 300mm total

ASTM Thermometers with woodback cupcase

Catalog No. Description
10058CWB ASTM 58C with woodback cupcase
10058FWB ASTM 58F with woodback cupcase
10059CWB ASTM 59C with woodback cupcase
10059FWB ASTM 59F with woodback cupcase

WARNING: Mercury is considered a hazardous material that can cause central nervous system, kidney and liver damage. Mercury, or its vapor, may be hazardous to health and corrosive to materials. Caution should be taken when handling mercury and mercury containing products. See the product Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for details. User should be aware that selling mercury and mercury containing products into your state may be prohibited by state law.