About Maximum Registering Thermometers

Maximum registering thermometers (including autoclave maximum registering thermometers) are thermometers designed to indicate the highest temperature attained during a process. They are typically used in processes in which it is difficult to measure the temperature...

Total Immersion, Partial Immersion, what do these terms mean?

Some helpful information on ASTM and other glass laboratory thermometers All ASTM and other glass laboratory thermometers can be classified into 2 general groups – those designed and fabricated for total immersion and those designed and fabricated for partial...

Using a total immersion thermometer only partially immersed

When total immersion thermometers are used in a condition wherein the entire liquid column is not exposed to the temperature being measured, a stem correction must be computed and applied to the observed reading to obtain the actual temperature of the liquid being...

Using a partial immersion thermometer incorrectly immersed

Well, this is a new twist but maybe not as unusual as I had thought. A customer called us today with this question: he has an NIST traceable calibrated thermometer, calibrated for partial immersion (76mm). He is going to use it only immersed to 50mm. What kind of an...